I've recently started using fluxbox
as my main desktop, and 'fluxbox' "is a stacking window manager for the X Window
System, which started as a fork of Blackbox 0.61.1 in 2001, with the same aim to be lightweight. Its user interface has
only a taskbar, a pop-up menu accessible by right-clicking on the desktop, and minimal support for graphical icons. All
basic configurations are controlled by text files, including the construction of menus and the mapping of keybindings."
{source ; wikipedia 2013}. When you first start using it, it is a bit disconcerting to have a totally blank desktop, and
it feels weird having to right-click on the desktop to get a menu to show. But now, after several weeks of using it to
the detriment of the other desktops it feels quite natural and useful. It does take a bit of configuring to get things
set up just right, but here are my configuration files - but do bear in mind that they are a work in progress and they
frequently change. IOW, what works today may be broken tomorrow! But, as the 'root menu' is so important it will be in a
separate post.
The startup
file is very important and this is mine;-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | #!/bin/sh
# fluxbox startup-script:
# Lines starting with a '#' are ignored.
# Change your keymap:
#xmodmap "/home/boudiccas/.Xmodmap"
# Applications you want to run with fluxbox.
# unclutter -idle 2 &
# wmnd &
# wmsmixer -w &
# idesk &
clipit &
urxvt -e tmux &
xscreensaver -no-splash &
ulimit -c unlimited && exec /usr/local/bin/fluxbox -log ~/.fluxbox/log.txt &
lxlock &
# Debian-local change:
# - fbautostart has been added with a quick hack to check to see if it
# exists. If it does, we'll start it up by default.
which fbautostart > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# And last but not least we start fluxbox.
# Because it is the last app you have to run it with ''exec'' before it.
exec fluxbox -log "/home/boudiccas/.fluxbox/log"
# or if you want to keep a log:
# exec fluxbox -log "/home/boudiccas/.fluxbox/log"
This is saved as /home/boudiccas/.fluxbox/startup
But, whilst using it I have encountered several problems, one of which was a real show-stopper in that it locked me out
of the desktop for several hours until it was solved! It involved .X0-lock
in /tmp being owned and writable by root.
This effectively stopped me using any desktop as USER
but I could as ROOT
! It took quite a bit of time to track it
down and required the help of #debian on irc.freenode.net, which is a very good resource and I highly recommend it. But
once I'd regained control of my computer it was full steam ahead again.
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