Another release of beeb
which takes it to even greater heights! :) And just as an experiment I'm "self-hosting" the
'tar.gz' file so that it can be downloaded from here.
This is the documentation for beeb
[version 4.0] the all-singing, all-dancing, upgrade to get-iplayer
The BBC has some superb radio and TV programmes, some of which can be downloaded using get-iplayer
, and then can be
played with your choice of viewer. This script will -
- Check to see if you have
installed. If not it will prompt you to install it. - Creates the directory where the 'beeb-tv.txt & beeb-radio.txt' files are stored.
- Downloads the current radio programme feed,
- Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and tell you how much more you can download in this session,
- Downloads the programmes and saves as *.mp3,
- Asks you to put any further programme numbers in to download, and tells you how much more you can download in this session,
- Asks you if you want to create a playing list of the radio programmes that can then be used by MPD.
- Then downloads the current TV programme feed,
- Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and tell you how much more you can download in this session,
- Asks you to put any further programme numbers in to download, and tell you how much more you can download in this session,
- Downloads the programmes,
- Asks you if you would like to delete any of the 'beeb' downloads which are older than 30 days. If you answer "y" to this, it is DESTRUCTIVE and you will LOSE some programmes.
- The script will quit and unload itself if left unattended and not downloading anything for thirty minutes. You might have gone to bed leaving it downloading some programmes, but when you go back to it in the morning, all connections to it are broken.
But before any of this can happen you need to configure it all, and this is done using '.beebrc' which should be saved to your "/home/$USER" directory. In '.beebrc' you can see the paths to my various directories, which will give you an idea of what should go where in your setup. So if you open '.beebrc' in your favourite text editor, then change these lines -
tvsite="where the downloaded tv programmes are to be stored"
music="where your main music library is stored"
radiosite="where the downloaded radio programmes are to be stored"
beebradio="the playlist of your downloaded radio programmes"
Then to run 'beeb' from the terminal, you need to place it somewhere in your executable pathway, maybe home/$USER/bin' or '/usr/local/bin' and then just put 'beeb' in your terminal and follow the questions that it gives you.
The prime requirement of this script is the programme 'get-iplayer' which is in most linux distributions. Without it, the script will not function!
- There is no need to press ENTER to proceed, just answer "y, n, q or r". The only time you need to press ENTER is when you are inputting programme numbers.
- The "r" command will restart the script from the beginning, just in case you need it.
- The programme listings for both radio and tv will be found at "home/$USER.beeb/"
- Don't let ~/.get-iplayer/download/history get too big as it will cause problems in your downloading, like being very slow, or causing the programme to drop the connection.
- If the programme appears to hang, it may be trying to reconnect, or have just crashed, in which case, you will have to run 'beeb' again with the same input as you used before.
- If you do need to break out of 'beeb', for whatever reason, you can either answer 'q' when you're prompted for it, or just press 'CONTROL C' to crash out.
- To access ~/.beeb to read 'beeb-radio.txt' or 'beeb-tv.txt' just enter 'cd $HOME/beeb' which auto-opens it at the prompt. Then you can use '$EDITOR beeb-radio.txt' or '$EDITOR beeb-tv.txt' to display either of the files. $EDITOR is your choice of text editor.
- You will find that the script silently creates a file called 'touch.m4a' which is needed when creating the MPD playlist. This file has zero content and poses no threat to you or your computer, and should be left in place. If you do delete it, then the script will crash whilst creating the MPD playlist, so please leave it in place as it is needed.
The legalities
Please note, I am not a lawyer, and this section is created using internet sources.
'get-iplayer' is only supposed to be used in the UK, if you do manage to use it outside the UK, then good luck to you but you will be unable to get any support for it. And to use it in the UK you should also have a UK TV licence too. Any files downloaded with 'get-iplayer', or this script, should only be kept for 30 days before being deleted.
Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know at my email address.
4.0 (14-04-2014)
- Now gives the ability to restart the script from wherever you are.
- Now gives the ability to delete content older than 30 days.
- Script quits if left unattended and not downloading for 30 minutes.
3.1 (16-02-2014)
- Faulty packaging, did not contain all necessary files, therefore repackaged.
3.0 (16-02-2014)
- Now downloads all the radio programmes as *.mp3
2.8 (11-02-2014)
- Moved mpd feed update question to just after radio programmes download, where its placement seems more logical.
2.7 (06-02-2014)
- Updated documentation to reflect the current legal situation, as I understand it.
2.5 (28-01-2014)
- Checks to see if get-iplayer/get_iplayer is installed. Then runs with whichever is found.
2.0 (26-01-2014)
- Changed configuration to create ~/.beeb and store feeds in it.
1.5 - and earlier
- Changed 'beeb.conf' to '.beebrc'
Source code
And now the source code itself -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
#: Title : beeb
#: Date : 14 April 2014
#: Version : 4.0
#: Description : To work with get-iplayer and use small scripts to download
#: : BBC programmes
#; Requirements : get-iplayer
#: Uses '.beebrc' saved at $HOME/.beebrc
# Copyright (C) 2014 Sharon Kimble
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
trap "kill -- -$BASHPID" EXIT
function ask {
while true; do
if [ "${2:-}" = "Y" ]; then
elif [ "${2:-}" = "N" ]; then
# Ask the question
read -p "$1 [$prompt] " REPLY
# Default?
if [ -z "$REPLY" ]; then
# Check if the reply is valid
case "$REPLY" in
Y*|y*) return 0 ;;
N*|n*) return 1 ;;
function ask2 {
n=$1 # the limit on the input length (<1000)
if [ -z "$2" ] ; then # the name of variable to hold the input
echo "Usage $0: ";
return 2;
result="" # temporary variable to hold the partial input
while $(true); do
printf '[%03d] > %s' "$n" "$result"
stty cbreak
REPLY=$(dd if=/dev/tty bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null)
stty -cbreak
test "$REPLY" == "$(printf '\n')" && {
printf "\n"
eval "$2=\"$result\""
return 0
test "$REPLY" == "$(printf '\177')" && {
# On my terminal 0x7F is the erase character
(( n = $n + 1 ))
printf "\r\033[K"
(( n = $n - 1 ))
if [ $n -eq 0 ] ; then
printf "\n"
eval "$2=\"$result\""
return 1
printf "\r\033[K" # to clear the line
txtbld=$(tput bold)
bldgrn=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 5)
source ~/.beebrc
if [[ -x "/usr/bin/get-iplayer" ]]
then player="/usr/bin/get-iplayer"
elif [[ -x "/usr/bin/get_iplayer" ]]
then player="/usr/bin/get_iplayer"
elif [[ -x "/usr/local/bin/get_iplayer" ]]
then player="/usr/local/bin/get_iplayer"
else echo "$0: Error: 'get-iplayer' or 'get_iplayer' is not installed.
Please install it." >&2
exit 1
if [ -d "$radiosite/touch.m4a" ]
touch "$radiosite"/touch.m4a; echo;
if [ -d "$HOME/.beeb" ]
echo ;
echo "$(tput setaf 1) $(tput setab 7) Error: Directory $HOME/.beeb does not
exist $(tput sgr0)"
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want to create the '$HOME/.beeb'
directory? [y/n/q] $(tput sgr0)" ynq
case "$ynq" in
[Yy]* ) mkdir $HOME/.beeb; touch "$tvfeed"; touch "$radiofeed"; echo;;
[Nn]* ) echo; exit;;
[Qq]* ) echo; exit;;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
read -t 1800 -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want to update the radio
feed? [y/n/q/r] $(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) rm "$radiofeed"; eval "$player" --type radio >>"$radiofeed";;
[Nn]* ) echo;;
[Qq]* ) echo; exit;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$beeb";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
read -t 1800 -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want to download some radio
programmes? [y/n/q/r] $(tput sgr0)" ynqr ;
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]) echo
echo ""$bldgrn" Please input the radio programme numbers
to download [max 200 characters] $(tput sgr0)"
ask2 200 'radiobox'
echo "$radiobox"
cd "$radiosite"
eval "$player" --g "$radiobox" --aactomp3; echo;;
[Nn]) echo;;
[Qq]) echo; exit;;
[Rr]) exec "$beeb";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Thank you $(tput sgr0)";;
read -t 1800 -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want to download some more
radio programmes? [y/n/q/r] $(tput sgr0)" ynqr ;
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]) echo
echo ""$bldgrn" Please input the radio programme numbers to
download [max 200 characters] $(tput sgr0)"
ask2 200 'radiobox'
echo "$radiobox"
cd "$radiosite"
eval "$player" --g "$radiobox" --aactomp3; echo;;
[Nn]) echo;;
[Qq]) echo; exit;;
[Rr]) exec "$beeb";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Thank you $(tput sgr0)";;
read -t 1800 -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want to update the mpd
feed? [y/n/q/r] $(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) cd "$music"
rm "$beebradio"
ls -1 "$radiosite"*.{mp3,m4a} >"$beebradio"
[Nn]* ) echo;;
[Qq]* ) echo; exit;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$beeb";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
read -t 1800 -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want to update the tv
feed? [y/n/q/r] $(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) rm "$tvfeed"; eval "$player" --type tv >>"$tvfeed";;
[Nn]* ) echo;;
[Qq]* ) echo; exit;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$beeb";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
read -t 1800 -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want to download some tv
programmes? [y/n/q/r] $(tput sgr0)" ynqr ;
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]) echo
echo ""$bldgrn" Please input the tv programme numbers to
download [max 200 characters] $(tput sgr0)"
ask2 200 'tvbox'
echo "$tvbox"
cd "$tvsite"
eval "$player" -g "$tvbox"
[Nn]) echo;;
[Qq]) echo; exit;;
[Rr]) exec "$beeb";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Thank you $(tput sgr0)";;
read -t 1800 -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want to download some more tv
programmes? [y/n/q/r] $(tput sgr0)" ynqr ;
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]) echo
echo ""$bldgrn" Please input the tv programme numbers to
download [max 200 characters] $(tput sgr0)"
ask2 200 'tvbox'
echo "$tvbox"
cd "$tvsite"
eval "$player" -g "$tvbox"
[Nn]) echo;;
[Qq]) echo; exit;;
[Rr]) exec "$beeb";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Thank you $(tput sgr0)";;
read -t 1800 -n1 -p "$(tput setaf 1) $(tput setab 7) Do you want to
delete programmes older than 30 days? [y/n/q/r] $(tput sgr0)" ynqr ;
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]) find "$radiosite" -mtime +30 -type f -delete;
find "$tvsite" -mtime +30 -type f -delete; echo; exit;;
[Nn]) echo; exit;;
[Qq]) echo; exit;;
[Rr]) exec "$beeb";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Thank you $(tput sgr0)";;