Date Series Part 1 of Fluxbox Tags fluxbox / git

In my usermenu in Part 2 you'll see that I have these two lines in the Quit submenu.

      [exec] (Reboot) {gksudo /sbin/reboot}
      [exec] (Shutdown) {gksudo /sbin/shutdown -h now}

which are quite special ones. This requires the following two lines to be put into /etc/sudoers very near the end of the file.

# Passwordless shutdown and reboot
$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown -h now, /sbin/reboot

To use you need to change the line 1, replacing '$USER' with your users name that is going to use fluxbox. This will ensure that you can shut-down very easily and ditto rebooting too.

Its also possible to have the root menu show in the top panel and available for every workspace even if there is no desktop showing at all. This line has to be inserted into the 'init' file in your fluxbox directory - prevworkspace, workspacename, nextworkspace, RootMenu, iconbar, systemtray, clock

and you'll be able to see it with a small arrow pointing to the right, which when you click on it opens up to the root menu.

Whilst we're in the 'init' file, its possible to set it up to have a shade menu icon to be shown on the right side of the window title bar, by inserting this into your 'init' file,

``session.screen0.titlebar.right: Shade Minimize Maximize Close``

I use the most current version, currently 1.3.5, from the git repo. When its downloaded and synchronised then you do the following -

./ #which also does the 'make' command as part of it

then sudo checkinstall -D which uses the checkinstall programme to build a Debian file of fluxbox. You can then install this Debian file with sudo dpkg -i fluxbox-xxxx.


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