I've been using this script for quite some time and it works very well and is nice and simple to use. But, it didn't log what I did and when, until now! :)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | #!/bin/bash
set -x
#: Title : lrs
#: Date : February 2014
#: Author : Sharon Kimble
#: Version : 1.0
#: Description : to help you to decide whether to reboot or shutdown
#: Options : 2, both listed in variables
#: License : GNU GPL 3.0 or later
# Variables
killbrowser="/usr/bin/killall chrome; /usr/bin/killall chromium"
exec > >(tee -a $log) 2>&1
read -n1 -p "$(tput setaf 1) Do you want to logoff, reboot, shutdown or just quit? [l/r/s/q] " lrsq
echo; echo "$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S) Answer: $lrsq" >> $log
case "$lrsq" in
[Ll]* ) $killbrowser; exit && exit;;
[Rr]* ) $killbrowser; sudo /sbin/reboot $*; echo; exit;;
[Ss]* ) $killbrowser; sudo /sbin/shutdown $*; echo; exit;;
[Qq]* ) echo; exit;;
* )
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