For my current book that I'm writing on Second World War cookery recipes I'm using the 'British Newspaper Archive' and am here focussing on one newspaper article published in November 1939, not long after the war started.
Here is my bibtex reference -
author = {Shields Daily News},
title = {Rare Rabbit Recipes},
journaltitle = {Shields Daily News},
year = {1939},
note = {10 November 1939},
url = {},
And here is the reference in the published bibliography -
NEWS , SHIELDS DAILY (1939) “Rare Rabbit Recipes” in: Shields Daily News 10 November 1939
(see p. 117)
And here is my bibtex line in the header of my org file -
#+latex_header: \usepackage[backend=biber,style=authoryear,doi=true,hyperref=true,backref=true,backrefstyle=two,date=year,maxcitenames=5]{biblatex}
This is the only way that I've found of getting the papers issue date to show in the final reference in the PDF. Its not ideal but it does work, but if anyone does know a way in which I could get the whole date to show in the PDF other than this way, then I'm all ears, as the saying goes.
I'm also not sure if other people will be able to view that url. In my atempts to view it without signing in it can't be viewed without either taking out a subscription or signing up for a 'free trial', so I suspect that other folk will have the same problem.