I've found that the 'linux counter' has changed from when I last wrote about it on the 20th June 2011 Linux Counter
It is now at http://linuxcounter.net/ where you can register yourself and download a script which silently works behind the scenes on your computer. It is described as 'The New LinuxCounter Project - Get counted as a linux user and register your linux boxes'.
On a Debian box you can add these lines to your '/etc/apt/sources.list' -
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/alex-mieland/ppa/ubuntu oneiric main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/alex-mieland/ppa/ubuntu oneiric main
and then just run -
sudo apt-get update
followed by -
sudo apt-get install lico-update
But you might find it easier to get it with 'wget', like this -
wget -N --no-cache http://linuxcounter.net/script/lico-update.sh
and then -
chmod +x lico-update.sh
to make it executable. You then run -
lico-update.sh -i
and follow the prompts that it gives you.
You can then call up your profile, after you've registered and fine-tune it to give more information, and you will also get a small graphic like this -
which shows your registration number and how many computers you've registered with them.
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