This is my 'pdfbuild' bash script that converts 'tex' files to a PDF. You generate the '.tex' files in any way you want to build them. I =used= to build the latex files by hand, which was very slow and laborious, but gave extremely good results. Currently I'm building the latex files after exporting from org-mode, and my template is in post org2latex
To use this script save it into your 'bin' folder as 'pdfbuild', whether that's local or system-wide, obviously make it executable, and you must set the path of your '.tex' file in Variables =exactly= as shown for the script to run properly. And then just call 'pdfbuild' in a terminal and follow the on-screen prompts to easily build your PDF file.
#set -e
# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Sharon Kimble <[email protected]>
# Author: Sharon Kimble <[email protected]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
cd ~/research/hair/; filename="hair2016"
# cd ~/research/aging/; filename="aging2017"
bldgrn=${txtbld} echo -e "\e[92m"
txtbld=$(tput bold)
bldgrn=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 2)
function endex {
sleep 0;
exit 0;
function one {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want one pass?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) xelatex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function double {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want a double pass?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function treble {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want a treble pass?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function partwrite {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want a part-write pass?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) xelatex $filename; biber $filename; xelatex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function penta {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want a penta pass? [x5]
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function onebib {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want one pass including the bib file?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) biber $filename; xelatex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function multipass {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want a pass including glossary, bibliography?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) xelatex $filename; biber $filename; makeindex $filename; makeglossaries $filename; xelatex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function extend {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want an extended pass?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) makeglossaries $filename; biber $filename; makeindex $filename; xelatex $filename; biber $filename; makeindex $filename; makeglossaries $filename; xelatex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function bibi {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want a bibliography only?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) biber $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function slog {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want a glossary only?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) makeglossaries $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function xedni {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want an index only?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) makeindex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function ultimate {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Do you want the ultimate pass-through?
yes = y
no = n
quit = q
restart = r
$(tput sgr0)" ynqr
case "$ynqr" in
[Yy]* ) xelatex $filename; biber $filename; makeindex $filename; makeglossaries $filename; biber $filename; makeindex $filename; xelatex $filename; biber $filename; makeindex $filename; makeglossaries $filename; xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; xelatex $filename; ques;;
[Nn]* ) ques;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
[Rr]* ) exec "$pdfbuild";;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
function ques {
read -n1 -p ""$bldgrn" Please choose which you want,
One-pass = r
Double-pass = d
Treble pass = t
Part-write pass = w
Penta pass = p
One-pass + Bib = o
MultiPass = m
Extended pass = x
Ultimate pass = u
Bibliography only = b
Glossary only = g
Index only = i
quit = q
$(tput sgr0)" rdtwpomxubqiq
case "$rdtwpomxubqiq" in
[Rr]* ) one;;
[Dd]* ) double;;
[Tt]* ) treble;;
[Ww]* ) partwrite;;
[Pp]* ) penta;;
[Oo]* ) onebib;;
[Mm]* ) multipass;;
[Xx]* ) extend;;
[Uu]* ) ultimate;;
[Bb]* ) bibi;;
[Gg]* ) slog;;
[Ii]* ) xedni;;
[Qq]* ) endex;;
* ) echo ""$bldgrn" Please answer yes or no. $(tput sgr0)";;
eval ques
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